The Capacity Collaborative finishes the job. We understand that protecting and building can only go so far without the proper resources to catalyze implementation. That’s why we have experts in public and private grant writing with a special emphasis on federal grants. We understand that most small rural and vulnerable communities do not have the capacity to access the funding, even when that money is supposed to be for them. Over the years the Collaborative has provided grant writing training for the US Climate Action Network, the Southeast Climate and Energy Network, individual nonprofits and multiple Tribes across the country. We have built curriculum and offer workshops and training on a variety of topics including:
Identifying Funding Needs & Finding the Opportunities,
Deciphering Grant Opportunities & Understanding Federal Forms,
Understanding and Developing a Logic Model,
Finding the Data to Support Your Proposal Application,
Milestones, Metrics and Measurement, and
Developing a Budget and Budget Narrative.
We also provide training on grant management and grant closeout, and have assisted many communities and nonprofits with writing successful applications.