Tribal Climate Toolkit Tutorials
Conversation Map Tutorial - The Basics
Use this tutorial to understand the basics of Conversation Mapping. What tools do you need and how to set it all up.
Conversation Map Tutorial - Analyzing the Map
You have just finished your first Conversation Map - what comes next? Watch this video to get some tips on how to analyze your results..
Conversation Map Tutorial - Facilitating the Conversation
Conversation Maps should engage as many stakeholders around an issue as possible, but this can make facilitation a little tricky. Watch this video for some tips on how to make this a smooth and fun experience.
Defining Assets and Setting up a Wind Tunnel
What assets are the most important elements of your community? How can you understand if those assets are resilient? Watch this tutorial to learn how to identify your critical assets and set up a Wind Tunnel.
Creating Future Scenarios for Your Wind Tunnel
What futures concern you the most? What black swans could harm your community? Watch this tutorial to better understand how to craft planning scenarios for the Wind Tunnel.
Testing for Resilience and Facilitating a Wind Tunnel
Now that you have finished your first Wind Tunnel, how do you analyze the results? Watch this tutorial to learn how to review your results and test your resilience under specific scenarios.