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Getting Grant Ready:
Workshop Series for Tribal Solid Waste & Environmental Staff and Managers
Identifying Funding Needs & Finding the Opportunities
This webinar provides information on ways to identify funding opportunities that will meet the needs of your Tribe.
Deciphering an RFA & Understanding Federal Forms
This webinar presented information on learning about RFAs, when and how to apply, and navigating through the federal forms required for RFAs, and other federal grants.
Understanding and Developing a Logic Model
This webinar presented information on the inputs, outputs, activities, outcomes, and similarities for the development of logic models for your program projects.
Finding the Data to Support Your Proposal Application
This webinar helped identify and justify the right information/data needed to develop a strong proposal to meet the needs of your project’s objectives.
Milestones, Metrics and Measurement
This webinar highlighted effective ways to capture the milestones, metrics, and measurement of your project goals, objectives, outcomes, and outputs.
Developing a Budget and Budget Narrative
This webinar covered information on allowable budget items, and how to create your narrative to match what your budget will cover in project costs.
Our Presenter: Cynthia Naha
Cynthia is a member of the Hopi Tribe and is also Tewa and Ihaktowan Dakota. She has 20 years of working in Tribal government in the environmental and natural resources field. She currently serves in the role of the Senior Tribal Climate Resilience Liaison for the American Indian Higher Education Consortium and the Southwest Climate Adaptation Science Center. Cynthia also serves as a part-time Senior Associate for the Capacity Collaborative.